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my name is

thomas hari e. budihardjo

A very warm welcome to my website.


You merely adopted Java

(I was born in it.)

My journey began on the island of Java in Indonesia, living there for seven years before moving to the United States in 2006. The western world is a very different frontier in more ways than one. Before learning languages such as C++ and Java to command computer programs, I first had to learn to speak English to communicate to the people in this new land. But perhaps the biggest change I encountered was the shift in technology. In this world, everyone seemed to have comforts such as central air conditioning and flat screen television. I went from having dial-up internet to stable Wi-Fi connection and quickly became immersed in the cybersphere. I remembered how daunting it was at first to navigate the internet just to contact my family back in Asia, but soon using the computer became second nature to me. I would spend hours upon hours connecting with people online, playing games, watching videos, and listening to music. Spotify is among my favorite and most used applications and it inspired me to pursue a minor in Statistics to go along with a BS in Computer Science as they showed me how powerful analysis of big data can be through their remarkable song recommendation algorithm (and their many other features). Each week I listen to the tunes personally suggested to me and more often than not I stumble upon something that catches my ear. It is especially gratifying when Spotify recommends a niche song that I end up liking because it is unlikely that I will find this song if it was not suggested to me. Finding new music has become my favorite pastime.

As one might guess, my biggest interest outside of computer science is music. Besides listening to and searching for new songs, I dabble in some songwriting. Additionally, I love playing the flute and own other instruments (including a piano, a guitar, and a violin) but I have not been able to master those instruments, not for lack of trying. I am also an avid sports fan, supporting Manchester United in soccer, Scuderia Ferrari in Formula One racing, and Houston sports teams in whichever sports they play. In my free time, I enjoy watching streams on Twitch both as a form of entertainment and as a tool to help me improve in games such as chess and Overwatch. Photography is another big hobby of mine and I have traveled to all 50 states (as well as a few places internationally) in search of beautiful places to capture images of. Among the places I have been to, I hope to be able to revisit Canada and New Zealand. And of course, Java.


Texas A&M University, class of 2021

I have recently graduated from Texas A&M University in College Station with Magna Cum Laude, earning a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science and minors in Cybersecurity and Statistics. I am an avid programmer and have been writing code ever since I encountered it for the first time in the AP Computer Science course during my freshman year of high school. I am proficient in C++, Python, and Java and am knowledgeable with using SQL, React, and R. My fields of interests in computer science include software engineering, web design, data science, and information storage and retrieval. I hope to embark on my professional career with a full time position in one of these disciplines.



GameShare Web App

Web application that facilitates board game rentals between users utilizing Stripe for payment

Utilizes Next.js to create a scalable React application with MongoDB backend

Uses Tailwind CSS for styling; deployed on Vercel

Leverages OpenCage Geocoding API to implement area-based location queries

Presented application to a panel of industry professionals

Points Tracker for TAMU Engineering Honors

Web application that allows officers and members to track activity participation within the organization

Members are able to log in participation hours and admins are able to manage and view a leaderboard of all the members

Uses Bootstrap for styling; deployed on Heroku

Utilizes Ruby on Rails with PostgreSQL in accordance with MVC design pattern to implement RESTful routing and CRUD functionality

Has separate user and admin views/privileges

Reify Mobile Platform

Mobile application prototype design that allows residents, city leaders, and contractors in the city of Nolanville, TX communicate

Created as part of ENDEAVR Interdisciplinary Team Project smart city challenge

Implements a k-Nearest Neighbor model to predict where floods are likely to occur as part of the alert system

Awarded the Best Project, Creativity, and Pinnacle certificates

Movie Database Management System

Designed and developed a DBMS in Java with a corresponding GUI using JavaFX

Created for use in an introductory film studies course in the College of Liberal Arts

Able to manage and query data from The Movie Database (TMDb)

Utilized ANTLR parser generator to implement Dijkstra's shunting-yard algorithm to translate SQL commands into corresponding Java methods


Predicts the favorability of universities by analyzing the sentiment of Tweets made by students

Leverages the Sentiment140 dataset (from Kaggle) to train the positive and negative sentiment model

Utilizes a naive Bayes classifier to rank the universities

Uses Bootstrap for styling; launched using Express.js

Scorers and Classifiers

Implemented the Okapi BM25 and tf-idf Vector Space Model scorers

Implemented the K-nearest neighbors, naive Bayes, and Rocchio classifiers

UNIX Shell

UNIX Shell created on Amazon EC2 that executes common Bash commands such as echo, cd, sleep, awk, and grep

Features include continuous input, piping, I/O redirection, and background processing

Buddy Memory Allocator

Memory manager that mimics how a Linux kernel partitions, allocates, and frees memory for processes

Snake Game

Accessibility-minded snake game with voice controls

In addition to random spawning apples, there is also a randomly spawned poacher obstacle

Created in Unity using C#

Hover Calculator

Accessibility-minded calculator app with hover-to-press controls

Created in Unity using C#

Virtual Machine Translator

Translator that parses and translates bytecode into code in assembly language

Assembler that parses and translates code in symbolic machine language into binary machine code


Member of the St Mary’s Catholic Center Orchestra, playing the flute for church services

Volunteered in The Big Event cleanup, assisting the residents of College Station-Bryan in community service projects

Former member of the Texas A&M Data Analytics Club, which hosted training sessions and hackathons

TAMU Team Programming Contest participant